Crescent Announces Compliance with the New European Union REACH Regulation

Originally Posted 2008   Burlington, Connecticut Crescent Manufacturing announces their compliance with the new European R.E.A.C.H. regulation. “R.E.A.C.H.”, the Registration, Evaluation, and Authorization of CHemicals was created to evaluate suspicious chemicals and provide an information database. The new regulation became effective June 1, 2007 and concerns companies or customers who export to the European Union. […]

Crescent Manufacturing is DFARS Compliant

Crescent has continued it’s effort to obtain a continuous flow of DFARS compliant material. We are happy to say, we have met that goal with regards to the 302ss, 8740 steel, and 4037 steel. The other Stainless materials are obtainable, but thus time must be purchased on as needed basis due to the present lower […]